How Thermacell Tick Control Tubes Work

Mice Are The Problem.

Mice are the primary source of Lyme disease infected ticks on a property. And these infected ticks pass Lyme on to people and pets.

Mice are the problem

Sprays Don't Reach Mice...

Mice are nocturnal, foraging for food by night. When a yard is sprayed, mice are asleep in their nests underground, inside sheds or other places sprays don't reach.

But Thermacell Tick Control Tubes Can

  1. Tick Control Tubes contain cotton treated with permethrin insecticide.
  2. Mice collect the treated cotton and use it to line their nests, rubbing the insecticide into their fur.
  3. Ticks feeding on the mice die.
Thermacell Tick Control Tubes Can Reach Mice

Tick Tubes Strengthen Protection in the Backyard

Sprays can treat the yard perimeter, but tick tubes treat mice throughout the property improving protection for the entire yard.

Tick Tubes Strengthen Protection in the Backyard

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